Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Culinary conflict

I adore food.  I get excited watching the Food Network (so does my son, much to my delight!) and when the newest copy of the Williams-Sonoma catalog arrives, I start drooling.  My conflict comes from the way I've decided to eat; it's called Primal, and it's AMAZING!  Primal consists of lots of elements, but the food element boils down to this: No grains (including rice and corn), lots of fruits and veggies, meat, good fats (oils, nuts, avocados, etc) and NO processed foods (which includes cheese for the most part).  Now, pair that with a love of all things gourmet, and you see my conflict.  No bread and no pasta is probably the hardest part to adjust to.  I've come up with great ways to get the illusion of pasta, but sometimes its just not good enough.  My goal this year is to find a satisfying middle ground; create gourmet primal dishes and be excited about them.  I'll keep you posted.

Chicken with fresh tomato, basil and garlic atop a cauliflower "risotto"
For more info on the primal lifestyle; check out this link www.marksdailyapple.com

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