Thursday, September 2, 2010

Recycling, composting, and compassion

So I've decided that I want to recycle.  I'm not sure that it's because I want to save the earth or anything, but I do know that when recycled properly (and I don't think the blue cans count) then it really does help out.  I figure that if I recycle everything that can be recycled (cardboard, glass, metal, plastic) that I should be able to cut down on what goes in the trash significantly.  Add in composting, and that cuts down the food trash even more.  I once read an article by some green guru who didn't throw anything away; he put on Craig's list anything that couldn't be recycled or composted and it proved the saying that one man's trash is another man's treasure.  I'd like to do that.  I find it fascinating that one can live "off the grid" like that. I know, I'm still getting water, electricity, etc, but one day, I'd like to really be off the grid.  I want to have a micro-farm (not just a garden) and be able to save $$ by raising my own fruits and veggies, and even chickens (we'll see how that goes!).  I think I'm turning more and more into a granola (or hippie, depends on who you ask).  That lifestyle fascinates me, and I have lots of friends that embrace various facets of that lifestyle and I'm inspired by each and everyone of them.  My first goal in recycling is to sort stuff out and put the valuables by the trash can each Wed.  I heard at least three different people going through the trash yesterday looking for things they could get money for. My heart was so turned by this; I wish I could help out. So next week, my plan is to have the glass and plastic out so that those who are on hard times can pick it up easily.  Saves me a trip to the recycling place too!


  1. We give our plastic and aluminum to Rob Allison - he uses it to pay for his mission trips every year. We just bag it all up and throw it in the back of his truck. Super easy and we are helping Rob. He doesn't take glass or paper.

  2. Awesome! I'll have to save my stuff for Rob; I love that idea!!!!

  3. Two years ago I stopped throwing away plastic, cardboard, papers and glass and our trash was reduced by 50% or more! It's definitely helping out the environment and since I make money off of some of it, it pays for a few mochas! :)
    I think if I could, I would totally live off the grid. Maybe someday.

  4. We just started our own compost pile in our side yard.
